Monday, March 22, 2010
Angkor Wat trip!!!.
HELLO to all who read my blog =)
As you all can see, I did not update my blog since Thursday. That is because, I WAS IN ANGKOR WAT! If you don't know where that is, it's in a city called Siem Reap, in Cambodia, which was previously named Kampuchea in your Malaysia's Secondary History Text Book.
From what people have been asking me ... well, only Wan Wei, Kar Yin and Kelvin asked ... anyway, I am going to say how it was like then : The weather there is excruciatingly hot, the sun is blinding and scorching. But overall, it was okay ... I just had to walk a lot and climb a lot ... And those 3 days I was there, I visited temples, temples, and temples.
Taken pictures to describe what happened those days, so I am going to warn you, this is going to be a loooooonnnng blog. =D
Thursday 18/03/2010
Reached Siem Reap International Airport! I know the photo angle kind of suck, but there are a lot of people walking this is it =P
The outside of the airport is actually really nice... unlike KLIA...which is large and unsophisticated..
This place kind of looks like Langkawi's airport =)
I like these kind of building.
Ah well, those two aunties on the right?
I don't know them.
And those on the left?
I DO know them =)
Yeap, this is me,
I know this looks a little ... weird.
What with me in my brother's pajamas, and the wind blowing strongly to my face.
Also, this is like...the only picture that I look good throughout the whole journey ...
On the way from the airport to the hotel.
Can you imagine how many people is on this small, puny car? How they have to all sit on this small, puny car to get to one destination ...
We have to appreciate what we all got!
And also, the driver got a ticket for too many passengers on the car.
We've reached the hotel!
These are the carvings right above the entrance of the hotel.
Me dad asked me to take this picture of him in his cowboy hat =D
The one standing next to my dad in grey, carrying a backpack, he's my dad's friend, who is the organizer of this trip, Mr Liew Khee Leong =)
The one behind my dad, he is the son of Mr Liew Khee Leong, Liew Cherng Ann =P
This is the youngest son of Mr Liew Khee Leong.
I am not quite sure what he was doing when I took this picture. But it was totally random =D
This is the youngest son of Mr. Teow/Teo/Teoh(?)
You must have noticed he is frowning? Hahah.
He wanted to play with ice in the ice box, but his dad forbids him. So I took a picture of him!
How adorable =D
The trees here are HUGE!
Most of the trees you can find here are big, large and huge. Even in the city.
By the way, we're already inside the Kingdom =D
Again, look at the tree. It is grown on top of the temple.
And that is the entrance to the first temple of the day =D
I am not sure what the name is ... I forgot =P
Look at the tree roots! Yes, it's the root. And it's growing on the temple ...
This dude is drawing a picture of the architecture!
I took this photo of him surreptitiously ;P
I was worried he'd mind people taking photo of him ... so I pretended that I was taking photo of the building, and took a picture of him! ;D

This is another temple for the day =P
Can you see the face on the building? I actually couldn't see it until my mom got mad and pointed it to me ...
Yeap, I climbed that super steep staircase ... just to get up here and take this picture for you guys! =D
Ok, no, I did not get up here to get this picture for whoever you are.
Friday, 19/03/2010
A steep staircase to get up to the Angkor Wat building.
My mom and Dad waiting in line.
They are coming down after a really long time up there, taking pictures ... leaving me down here waiting for them ... looking like a total idiot sitting there =P
My dad's friend and his son =P
No idea why I took this picture ....
We have finally reached the entrance of the destination of the so-called world's most beautiful sunset.
Super steep staircase, climbed it =)
This was taken from the west side of the temple, notice how it's turning golden slowly?
The sunset shots from my dad's camera.
I am not much of a fan of sunset, to be honest ... I am a moon person =)
Saturday, 20/03/2010
Woke up at 5 am to watch the sun rise ... I am not a sun person :C
At the entrance of Angkor Wat, along with a few thousand people ...
Awww~ brotherly love =)
They are my dad's friend's children. On the right is Liew Cherng Qing, and the left is Liew Cherng Kang x)
I stayed around in the back just to wait for this moment ;D
We are on a boat guys! On the way to the floating market ;)
They are draping snakes around them to attract attention so people would buy stuff from them.
This is the school for Vietnamese residents.
This was taken at the Thai Restaurant during dinner. I was going to take a Coke, but Ann and Qing recommended this Green Fanta, which I have never drank before.
Gotta admit, it is actually kind of good once you get past the taste of toothpaste xD
Took this when I was on the plane =) It's like ... frosted whipped cream on marshmallow. Mmhmmm~ like how Germans say it, Lecker! Lecker! Lecker! xD
Well, the Angkor Wat trip pictures are uploaded, and I have described most of it =)
I got back home, and guess what? I got sick. I have diarrhea and my whole body just aches.
The benefit out of this? Getting out of school ;D
I am finally done with my blog. Longest yet =) hope you readers seemed kind of boring to me.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
I don't know what to write today ... It hasn't been eventful.
Went for piano lessons today, with the Russian lady. She said it was better than the first time... so =)
Then got back home, turned on the computer and read fanfics.
Went for a nap too...
Ok, this is pathetic. I have nothing to write because I don't have the mood to tell my life today.
My friends came back from camp, which I thought they will at least TEXT me, but noooo~ I didn't even realize they were back until JUST NOW when I turned on the computer again and log on to facebook and saw their "I'm-so-tired-after-camp-but it-was-fun" status!
Right ... I probably shouldn't get angry, I mean, they do it all the time ... but I'm particularly pissed today.
THEN, something happened to one of my friend, which I probably shouldn't write it on my blog because everyone could see it but I'm not exactly saying the name or what happened. That idiot sort of, kind of, told me the smallest detail, leaving out the general points. WHY TELL ME IF YOU DON'T WANT ME TO KNOW??
You people probably don't believe this, but I was not curious with what was going on, I was MORE WORRIED. Like a friend should. Like any form of friend should!
And I don't even know why I care! Since that idiot didn't even BOTHER to tell me what's going on. Oh yeah, that idiot doesn't read my blog, so I don't care.
Good thing is, I learnt not to care about these kinds of things when it comes to friends, because I learnt my lesson in being too curious and WORRISOME. Of course, unless they want me to get my hands into this, I am more than happy to oblige.
Sigh ... Why am I ranting again? I don't even want to care ... But complaining is good. Complaining makes you feel better afterwards, which I am feeling better after that long rant ...
Lesson learnt : Life is easier when you decide you don't care.
Signed, over and out.
It was like cloud just slide in,Everything went gray and dark,
Thunder erupting ahead,
Lightning splitting through the sky.
I wonder what's going in your head?
Was it sweet? Was it bitter?
I wonder what's hidden underneath?
You sure look like you're having a lot of fun.
If I stopped caring, would it have been any different?
If I stopped staring, would you have thought it odd?
If I hadn't written this ... I don't think anyone cared at all.
How insane I must be, for posting this,
but here I am, without a care, fingers flying away on the keyboard,
Because I wanted someone to hear, even if no one's near.
Probably, this is confusing the hell out of everyone.
Ooh~ it's raining! yes, that was a weird post. Don't ask what it means...figure it out yourself.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Welcome to the daily blog post of Mandy Low!
Woke up at 1100 this morning, had Char Kuey Teow for brunch x)
then friends came over to my house, to do some stuff. not telling what we did BWAHAHAHA.
Was super tired after they went home, went kind of hyper when they were around ... Wan Wei stuck around until 1830, which i was already half dead, mind you. She was playing my laptop and I mostly lie on my bed...trying to doze off...
After she left, I really DID go for a nap. Woke up again at 2000 for dinner.
Dad had an impulse and made steak x) it wasn't half bad, but I liked what he did before better... today's steak was...salty and blackened.
But the salad was good! We had strawberries~
Then at 2100, we went to Starbucks, for a cuppa =) I had hot chocolate, mostly because I wanted to sleep later in the night... Usually I'd order a Chai or a Caramel Macchiato ... I ordered a chicken pie as well, but it SUCKED! It's more like Pea Pie then Chicken Pie. You can't find the CHICKEN in the PIE!
Am very disappointed in Starbucks ...
Now I'm writing this blog ... and guess what? It's late, it's 2312, but I still hasn't taken a shower =P so I'm writing off now, to take a nice refreshing shower~
"The Technicolor Phase".
Had breakfast at Coffee Bean today! The food weren't exceptionally good...but it was okay.. And saw the guy behind the counter that looks a lot like Wei Ji, the Head Kop of 2 or 3 years ago ... o_o
Then, had a really intense piano lesson with this Russian lady >_<"
I guess I should say it was good ...
Then spent the rest of the afternoon at home, watching mindless TV and commenting on people's status on Facebook ...
After that, had dinner at Raku Zen! XD
Had an amazing salad which have flying fish! tastes amazing!
Of course, Dad took me to a pastry shop and we bought a cake =) a strawberry cake. Not chocolate because my brother can't eat chocolate =X
We took pictures...but it was so ugly I refused to post it! x)
Well, now I'm here...writing this...and this sure is short.
Let me write something else then!
"I am the red in the rose, the flowers
On the blankets on your bedroom floor.
And I am the gray in the ghost that hides
With your clothes behind your closet door.
I am the green in the grass that bends back
From underneath your feet.
And I am the blue in your back alley view
Where the horizon and the rooftops meet."
-The Technicolor Phase
Love the lyrics and rhythm =) it probably doesn't mean like what I think when I listen to this. But I guess every lyric have a different meaning to everyone. And this is absolutely beautiful.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
awesome tuition!.
:D :D :DToday ... had tuition from 1400 - 1900 x)
but enjoyed it!
Chemistry was great. Learnt a new table which no text books or revision books can be found in, the Ben'z table ~~ HAHAH
Suben the Not-So-Great-Legend created it!
Then in Physics..well..didn't really listen to teacher, because the class was too cold. All I could think of is hoping the class ends earlier, so I could get out of there.
Even Desmond was shivering, and grouchy from cold ... he growled at me when I kept saying, "cold, cold, cold."
BIO! luv it, as always! Mr. Jai promised if we get 80+ for next week's mock exam then we'll get choki choki! though I dunno what that is...and 90+ we get Pringles! which contains a certain chemical called "carcinogen" which causes I'm not sure I want that... And 100 we'll get BASKIN ROBBINS! WOOOT! though I hate their services...
But the sad thing is...I'M NOT GOING TO BE IN M'SIA NEXT SATURDAY! D:
so I'll probably do the mock exam another time...or not at all...though I am not sure I'll get 80 and above or not..
Then, we had add maths tuition! Teacher was good, i guess...I kept asking Wan Wei for guidance, because I was too shy to ask teacher ... =P
After that, reached home, turn on the computer and stared. Wasn't sure what to do ... went and search for fanfictions to read...but there aren't any quality ones..just a lot of lemons and smut == so gave up and went facebook! which I also have nothing to do there..other than updating my status and liking other people's status and commenting.
And I'm here! Updating my longest blog yet! While chatting with Wan Wei and Andrea at the same time! And also commenting on Cynthia Khor's facebook status! =D
Ok, well I'm off. Written the whole day now ...
Today was EVENTFUL.Went to Sunway with Kelvin, Kiat Liang, Vincent, Rayhan, Desmond, Jun Yu, Jen Sion, Kar Yin, Wan Wei, Ee Won, and Carol =)
Was going to watch Alice In Wonderland 3D, but Jen Sion only booked 6 tickets, therefore we had to watch another movie. So we watched Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief! Damn good movie. Us 5 girls plus Kiat Liang.
Such interesting experience.
In school, though, realized all of them went to Kiat Liang's house the day before to bake cupcakes for Zun Zian, Rayhan, Kar Yin and me!
Although it is not technically my birthday now, but still, it felt like the day hasn't end. Until I go to bed, which will happen soon, because I'm DEAD TIRED.
Received TONS of birthday wishes today~ really happy. people actually made the effort to click my profile and write something and post it!
Ah well, guess it's time to write off now? It's a happy post today! x)
Thursday, March 11, 2010
I've been very pissed off the whole day today.I get so annoyed with people easily, especially with Desmond and Kelvin. Sorry! =(
Must be the lack of coffee, and also sleep. Kind of slept at 1 in the morning, and kept rolling around on the bed, trying to find a comfortable spot, then it was 2 in the morning already.
So I only got 4 hours of sleep ... usually I'm used to it. Guess it's the stress from exams =P
Today's Physics exams was DIFFICULT. I can't believe my teacher actually said it was easy. I mean, sure it was easy for her. I remember how to write Section C though ;P because I wrote it the day before, for Physics PEKA. So I kind of helped Desmond and Jun Yu as well =D
Ah well, at least today's blog is longer. I really don't know what to write ... even those written above were forced out of my mind. I need some inspiration. Perhaps write a poem? =P
I'm hoping to continue my "abandoned" story. Fiction. Lack of inspiration tends to get on my nerves ... that's how I'm lacking inspiration o_O
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
stupid piano stuff..
Today was not a nice day ... though Bio was kind of good, in some ways.I got a call from this lady of Maestro Yamaha music centre, saying I need to have extra lessons for my piano because exam is on 5th of April, and because my trial exam result was not as good as expected.
Like, what the fugg?
I've never felt so annoyed by a stranger before, but now I know how it feels!
Damn, how I wish to just STOP everything, and get a refund for that STUPID, IDIOTIC piano exams.
I hate life.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Bad Day.
in a super bad mood today. no idea why.just realized Chemistry have essay after all, even though i distinctly heard teacher say no essay on first term exam. But whatever.
Nose has been STUCK all day. can't breath properly....
Leg hurts for whatever reason.
Eyes sore.
People suck.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
first blog!.
lols. my first blog, out in public. used to have one anonymously =P