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JoJo Sia
Ger Ean
Jen Sion
Firdaus Zainal
Ivena HON
Xin EE (Xsaye)
Yong Le
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
January 2011
March 2011
May 2011
June 2011

Burnt Plastic
Monday, April 26, 2010

ordinary world.
I discovered a song, a really amazing song, a song by Duran Duran.
It is really good, and the lyrics are amazing.
I am a very lyrical person... I wouldn't like a song with bad lyrics. So this song have double bonus as the music is great as well ;D

Ordinary World
What is happening to me?
Crazy, some'd say
Where is my friend when I need you most?
Gone away

But I won't cry for yesterday
There's an ordinary world
Somehow I have to find
And as I try to make my way
To the ordinary world
I will learn to survive


This is only a partial of the lyrics, but it is kind of true with what's going on =P though... don't judge me too quickly, I am just expressing a moment of confusion. I still love you guys ;D

Well, I really don't have much to talk about. Even after so many days of not posting anything.
Guess I'll just write stuff or people I like =P

This is a singer/actor I found off the internet. Well I knew about him from Harry Potter.
In fact, he is one of the actor of Harry Potter.
He is the cast for Draco Malfoy :) the bratty, pointy, pure-blooded, spoilt boy you read from Harry Potters.
Of course, in real life, he isn't like that at all. You are probably thinking, "how would you know."
Well, I don't.
I don't know him in real life. I have never met him. I have never emailed him.
But as a years-long practiced net stalker, facts I found about him are quite admirable. Very different from the character he plays on Harry Potter.
His full name is Thomas Andrew Felton

alright, I am not sure if I would get bashing up here, because a lot of people I know don't like him and they can't even give me a valid reason, though, don't tell me now.
I do know one of my friend loves him like I do ;D
Well, Tom Felton sings, he writes his own songs as well, though you can't buy the album on CD shops. Even if you can, it's near impossible to buy it in Malaysia, so yeah =X
This is one of his songs that I absolutely adore.

Under Stars

And I wish I knew everything there is to know about you.
And I want you to see just exactly what you mean to me.
And you – you think you know me.
I guarantee there’s a lot more to see.
And you – you don’t believe it’s true -
That if I’m dreaming, I’m dreaming of you.
And I wish that I could hold your hand,
Feet beneath the sand.
And I wish that I could drive you in my car
To kiss you under stars.
Random facts:
-Tom Felton is currently dating Jade Olivia, the stunt coordinator for HP.
-He is British.
-He enjoys fishing.
-Tom started acting when he was 8 years old. He had the opportunity to meet up with Chow Yun Fatt, who taught him a little martial arts. A LITTLE.
-He went to an all boys school.
-Tom's birthday is on the 22nd September. He was born in 1987.
-He has bleached his hair a total of 18 times for the making of "Deathly Hallows".
-He is the youngest in the family.
-Tom is actually great friends with Daniel Radcliffe, cast for Harry Potter, in real life.

And you know what's the scariest thing? I did not have any references while typing those random facts. It just came out from my head =P
Stalker much?
TRUTH is, I stopped visiting his sites for quite some time now. A few months, in fact.
I used to go on his Twitter page all the time. Then I just stopped =X
I wonder what will he be thinking when he saw this, which I am positive the chances are nil. It's gotta be weird to know someone out there, is like, stalking you... o.O
Well I guess he'd be used to it anyway.

Alright, moving on =)
This is a band I discovered on the internet. There are six members in total. They are from Dallas, Texas.
At first, I thought their music sounded eclectic and different, and honestly, I didn't like it.
But then I downloaded their hit single, and I was hooked.
This band - Forever the Sickest Kids.
Austin Bello - Bassist, Vocalist
Jonathan Cook - Vocalist
Kyle Burns - Drummer
Marc Stewart - Guitarist
Caleb Turman - Guitarist, Vocalist
Kent Garrison - Keyboardist

I used to be super obsess with them. I'd go on their myspace page and track everything they do. I mean, like, ALL of their myspace page.
XD that sounded creepy?
Well, I can't remember for what reason, I stopped visiting their myspace page and I was just disconnected from their news and stuff.
And because they weren't as popular as those mainstream bands on the radio nowadays, it's really hard to get to know their stuff.
And also, it really sucks that this is Malaysia, and record shop don't have stocks for bands that deem existed.
I remember this one time, I went to Rock Corner. I did not even went and search the rack of records, I just went up to the counter and asked.

Me: Excuse me.
Worker: Yes, how may I help you?
Me: Do you have the CD of Forever the Sickest Kids?
*Worker stare at me in blank face.*
Worker: Sorry, Forever the What?
Me: Forever the Sickest Kids.
*another blank look from worker*
Worker: Sorry, we don't have it.
Me: Okay.

Yeah ... that's kind of what happened.
I gave up trying to find it because almost no one I know know they existed.

Yeah, those are it =) Forever the Sickest Kids.
And also, most of them are super tall o_o
I am serious...
This is one of their songs that I really like ;)

Whoa Oh! (Me Vs. Everyone)
I candy-coat and cover everything
but I'm still hiding underneath
It's been a long time,
It's been a long time
A thousand faces looking up at me
hands all pointing to the ceiling
Oh what a feeling

I've got friends in highly low places
I'm standing on post, and I'm posted up
cant afford to lose them
I've got friends and highly low places
I'll go inside when I wanna party
Grab a girl and dance (don't touch me)

Whoa oh Whoa oh Whoa oh,
Why do I put myself in these situations
Whoa oh Whoa oh Whoa oh,
I keep pushing myself even though
I can't take it at all

You really have to have this song to listen to how awesome it sounds XD

Hmm. I think I've written quite a lot for a day I wasn't expecting to write much.
Well, I hope people will try out these artistes. They might not suit your tastes, but at least you gave it a try!

Currently, chatting with Wan Wei; drinking Darjeeling (awesome).
Hopefully, I'd find some inspiration to write soon ;)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

random photos.
Well, I guess I should post something?
Don't really have the mood to type a lot today. So I'll post some pictures taken during my aunt's wedding ;)

Okay... not really favorite picture of myself. Ah, whatever.

Cousins and bro o_o

Me and my bro during wedding lunch~~ :D

o.O well....

Cousin sisters and bro and uncle! :D


Well.... there it is. Photos. I hope it speaks more than it should? Or it is nothing at all...
Tired, had a refreshing walk with friend in the evening, toes kind of hurts. Eye kind of sore... So I'll hit the sack and go to sleep early =D

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Woot! new post~ o.o

Well, parents are finally back from Sydney, missed them dearly =)
Mom bought a pair of Roxy shorts, and two T-shirts for me~ and of course, CANDY! XD
Love candy...

Currently, don't have much to say...well =X is trying to learn Monsoon by Tokio Hotel on guitar! So I can post it on facebook and try to get those tickets!! >.<
well, have my guitar on my lap now, trying to distract myself from hysterics...
And also, searching on Down syndrome o.o
Because Cik Muriza said we have essay competition...and we have to search on it... gotta be prepared if you want to win! =D

Facebook don't have much activities now...I stopped playing farmville, or happy aquarium, and such... I am bored...
This is why I am posting this. I am bored.

I had some explanations from Ivena about my previous post =) which was really nice of her because I know how annoying it is to explain something on a Cbox. Well, at least I know better now! Still curious though...

Well, off to learning Monsoon =D Wish me luck on getting tickets!! xx

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Boring morning..
It's really early for a post right now, at least, in my case. Usually I'd post late in the evening. I am extremely bored, been playing mindless flashgames, watched 90210 and Two and A Half Men, then my brother took over the TV and is watching The International, which I find quite boring. And it lead to this - eating sandwiches, stalking other people's facebook and blogs, and posting this.

I was wondering why there are so little people onlined, and then I realized - It's Sunday. They'd be in church.
I am not a very religious person ... I don't know much about religion ... Truth be told, I am a buddhist. I go to temples on special occasions, like Cheng Beng, or Chinese New Year, or something ... And church...I've been to church twice. For wedding. I don't remember the first time I am in church for my aunt's wedding ... other than the fact that me and my cousins annoyed the pianist =X and the second time...well I am not going to go into that.

I sort of ... want to know more o_o about Christianity. I am curious, I guess? I've heard of Catholic, Protestant, Methodist, Baptist ... What's the difference? o.o I am really quite curious... And...I don't quite know how to ask a Christian friend... In matters of religion, I'd really prefer not asking too much, in case I insulted their religious beliefs or something =X
And there's this Christian Fellowship thing in school.... What IS it? I see people coming to school in the morning, sit in a circle, and...I don't know what happens. What do they DO during these meetings? Pray? Confession? WHAT? Geez I am so curious........ *faints* dying of curiosity... Haiz
Ah well...

It's 12.32pm now. I am still not quite sure what I want to do with my day...other than that mountain pile of homework I have been putting off which resulted in my teachers yelling in class and nearly reduced to tears.
Ouch, my second toe just had a cramp(?) y'know..kejang. 抽筋 =P
Currently waiting for people to online...
Maybe there will be two posts today o.o maybe...

Well, I guess this is it... Don't know what to add... Hope I get some answers from those questions above :S

Friday, April 16, 2010


Odd you think?
Yeah, kind of in a good mood today =)
Logged in to my blog to update an early post.
I still am trying to find the mood to finish my Literature homework, or else Mr. Thiru will kill me for not passing it up again.... Ah well.
I am kind of infatuated right now~ feeling uber eager and jumpy. And somehow it makes me want to listen to sad emo songs o.O
Currently listening to Elliot Yamin's Wait For You.
Been smiling a lot to myself lately x) and also dreaming. But I did concentrate in class o_o shocking thing. Mostly I'd daydream during assembly or when I'm in the car on the way home.
Assembly = daydream =P
Life feels kind of good now. Though there are still upsetting things happening, but it seems ... I really learnt not to care anymore. I stopped wanting to know something people aren't telling about. I sort of ... stopped caring.
I'd like to say it's a good thing :)

Cik Muriza - my English teacher - said there's an English essay competition, and she wants us to read up about Down syndrome before we start writing the essay. Though ... I'd need more details if I'm going to write an award-worthy essay =D
I am going to have to ask a lot of questions on Monday...

=X having a feeling in my stomach that sends a message to your brain that says, "HUNGRY! HUNGRY! HUNGRY!" =P craving for some fish and chips ... or lasagne...Mmhmmm~ XD
Stupid Desmond Chee said he'd go eat lasagne with me on Wednesday but in the end DID NOT. kind of pissed... I don't like to have a food-promise broken. I get cranky when I don't get the food I crave for ... D<

Desmond did his English oral today, title - Adam Lambert !!! XDDD (L) of course, I helped =P
Though this is a very good moment, I must say I did get annoyed by my classmates... who kept shouting "GAY! GAY! GAY!" like, what is the matter with you? Never seen a gay artist so successful? Wish you could be like him? Jealous? Envious?
If not, you should keep your mouth shut. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay. You can't accept it, its your problem. You're being a total stuck up-ignorant-close minded-prejudiced who doesn't deserve to live this happy life of yours. You don't have to shout out your disapproval towards a projector. And really, if you're so disapprove of homosexuals, then you must an utter failure because someone you're disgusted of are waaaayyy more successful than you'll ever be.
So just shut up, we don't need to listen to your stupid chanting and dissent. Keep your thoughts to yourself. And to that A-hole who kept changing the size of the word "gay" on Desmond's power point larger all the time, I really hope you feel that sort of ridicule on yourself every single day of your life because you do not know how it feels like to be insulted like that. I hope you see this post because you're the only on in class who did it. I really damn freaking hope you feel insulted and pissed off because I'd be damn right happy to know.

And while I just wrote that rant, I shall post something to show how you should SUPPORT gay rights.

I am the girl kicked out of her home because I confided in my mother that I am a lesbian.
I am the prostitute working the streets because nobody will hire a transsexual woman.
I am the sister who holds her gay brother tight through the painful, tear-filled nights.
We are the parents who buried our daughter long before her time.
I am the man who died alone in the hospital because they would not let my partner of twenty-seven years into the room.
I am the foster child who wakes up with nightmares of being taken away from the two fathers who are the only loving family I have ever had. I wish they could adopt me.
I am one of the lucky ones, I guess. I survived the attack that left me in a coma for three weeks, and in another year I will probably be able to walk again.
I am not one of the lucky ones. I killed myself just weeks before graduating high school. It was simply too much to bear.
We are the couple who had the realtor hang up on us when she found out we wanted to rent a one-bedroom for two men.
I am the person who never knows which bathroom I should use if I want to avoid getting the management called on me.
I am the mother who is not allowed to even visit the children I bore, nursed, and raised. The court says I am an unfit mother because I now live with another woman.
I am the domestic-violence survivor who found the support system grow suddenly cold and distant when they found out my abusive partner is also a woman.
I am the domestic-violence survivor who has no support system to turn to because I am male.
I am the father who has never hugged his son because I grew up afraid to show affection to other men.
I am the home-economics teacher who always wanted to teach gym until someone told me that only lesbians do that.
I am the man who died when the paramedics stopped treating me as soon as they realized I was transsexual.
I am the person who feels guilty because I think I could be a much better person if I did not have to always deal with society hating me.
I am the man who stopped attending church, not because I don't believe, but because they closed their doors to my kind.
I am the person who has to hide what this world needs most, love.
I am the person who is afraid of telling his loving Christian parents he loves another male.
End this discrimination

I hope everyone of you who read this, repost this, because the world need more love. And there are those out there lack of it who needs your support. Be a human and do something right for once.

I'll stop here, will be updating soon =)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Nature is alluring.
Counting down time ... to Coffee Night Out!!
In the mean time, I shall update a post.

I guess the previous post was kind of angsty isn't it?
Yes I agree, as well =P

And wow, now is 7.15pm while I am writing this, and outside is a beautiful golden glow. Let us all abandon our computers, TVs, cellphones and air-conditioning to appreciate this breath-taking moment :)
Yeah ... wasn't that great?
Breathing fresh air ~ (mixed with CO and dust)
The glowing golden is turning red now~ The wind blowing~ and look! the street lights are turned on.
Now there's a purplish glow to it... I could hear the rumbling of thunder.
One side of the sky is turning blue, and the other side is still pink~ wow ... I never really appreciated this moment... sometimes, it's the small things in life that matters.
I feel absolutely at calm right now~
Of course, a little elated because Jolene Lew actually went and look out her window because she saw my post on the sky on Facebook.

There's a crossing on blue and pink in the sky now. And white shifting cloud~
The trees stilled, wind have stopped then.
Wow~ I see a huge lump of cloud just outside my window~ It doesn't exactly look very nice or in-shape, but it's very ... I don't have a word for it ... It just gives me a feeling ... It's turning grey though.
Sky is going complete blue now. It's navy blue, by the way~ It WAS periwinkle blue, just a few minutes.

And wow~ the clouds just ... went down a little ... like...down the houses... and becoming smaller and...pointier... It looks like it's going to rain in midnight.
Two birds just flew past. I don't like birds ...
The clouds are going smaller now... but nicer looking.
It's drifting away.
There is a streak of pink just out in the distance.
Oh no...It's really going to disappear soon. I can really see it moving to the side, behind the houses and trees.
And there it goes, smaller. Disappearing.

=) Well here it is, a post. It doesn't really consist much. Just description of the cloud and sky and stuff.
But, this is my favorite post, yet.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Emo Year.
Why, hello? It seems I have resurrected from the undead to update my blog! What a surprise.
I've just been too lazy and too busy (contradictory?) to update it. I felt like updating it now =)

This week ... scratch that,
This year ... has been no fun at all. Not just because of studies, but because .... everything changed. I know that is inevitable, but...you guys could still hold back for me to catch up right? AND STOP KEEPING SECRETS THAT DOESN'T EVEN CONCERN ANYTHING AND IS NOT EVEN REMOTELY IMPORTANT AND THE WORLD IS NOT GOING TO END WHEN YOU SAY IT OUT.
Gosh, honestly, what is WRONG WITH YOU GUYS?? I just lashed out - not in the good way - on Rayhan and Jun Yu this morning, because Rayhan said he was going to tell me some stuff, got me excited because I HAVE BEEN SEVERELY LEFT OUT THIS YEAR and thought, "Finally, someone is willing to tell what the fugg happened to the world which I have left out on. Finally, I'd know WHY THE HELL everyone is so fugging emo these days. Finally, I'd know what to say when they get emo all of a sudden. Finally, life would go on the same now" and well, guess what? He didn't tell me anything. Mr. Chan - I-definitely-know-more-than-you-so-just-stop-asking-because-it-would-be-better-if-you-don't-know - Jun Yu said I don't know anything because I don't join anything.
Yes, I don't join anything. I am not even going to give a reason anymore, because I don't want to fugging care anymore. I'll ask, don't tell me, I don't care. I don't want to care about your fugging lifes if you don't think it concerns me. I don't want to care about your fugging depressing relationship if you don't think I could help. I don't want to care about your "Oh, woe me, I like her but she don't know" or "Oh, I am so sad, I like her, and she knows, but I don't know what to do, because my best friends don't like her" or "Oh, I am emo, she is emo, and I don't know what to do" if you think 'it would be better for me' if I didn't know.
FYI, I know what's best for me to know and not know. I want to know, so I don't care if my life would crash when I DO know about it.
But now, I don't care. So don't bother.
And yes, I am angry AND disappointed.
Those that still remained the same, as awesome as ever, is my beloved Ng Kar Yin, Ang Wan Wei, Yap Ee Won, Lee Ching Yit, Tan Ger Ean, Tan Ger Lian, Chew Shy Min and Tan Kiat Liang~! And of course, newly arrived this year, Carol! Those I didn't mention ... shame on you.

Well, on the lighter side, Rayhan is with someone now! As in ... together-together. =P Well, good for him! Though, don't forget your friends once you're in a relationship! =)
I don't exactly know her that well ... so I'm going to try be friends with her =D I wouldn't want situations to be awkward, and being a friend ... I thought I should be more friendly with friend's girlfriend ... o-o

And I discovered a really cool youtube video! Annoying Orange!! XD
I didn't recently discovered it, but just thought I'd share it 8D
You wouldn't understand if you didn't watch Annoying Orange series ...

Sweet Mother o' Pearl, is that the time? 3.33pm
I really should be going...to do somefink =D
so, bye.