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JoJo Sia
Ger Ean
Jen Sion
Firdaus Zainal
Ivena HON
Xin EE (Xsaye)
Yong Le
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
January 2011
March 2011
May 2011
June 2011

Burnt Plastic
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

punctuality is virtue!!.
Okay, I've got something to write. This just happened to me, and I'm a little pissed off right now. Plus, I'm sure that particular person doesn't read this, so I'll be writing this here.

I, absolutely HATE people who isn't punctual, and/or keep their promises.
When someone says, 'I'll be there soon', I EXPECT them to be here in at least 5 minutes time.
And when you only walk here? I expect you to be right outside my gate in 2 minutes. NOT in an hour!
Waiting for you, and constantly looking at the clock wondering why you're not here yet, is not exactly something I look forward to every time I go out with you.
So since you're not sure what time you'll be able to arrive at my place, what's wrong with saying 'I'll text you when I'm reaching your place.' ??
When you tell me that, I am actually able to accomplish something while I wait for that 'I'm reaching' text.
But nooooo, you just had to make me WAIT.
And every time I wanted to just stand up and go do something, YOU are the reason why my head keeps telling me, 'sit down and chill, they might be here in a minute. No point being in a middle of something when they arrive.'
Thus, I kept sitting there, panicking, wondering WHEN you'd arrive.

And honestly, I could have been in a middle of something, and making you wait, but I don't do that, because I respect that you might feel annoyed having to wait for someone.
Sometimes, I wonder if I'm the only one to actually THINK for others coming to these kind of things.
And it's not like I can just take revenge and MAKE you wait, because that is just plain rude and I wasn't brought up that way.

Other than that, when someone ask me to go to their place to get to somewhere, don't text me saying, 'Come to my place now' because I EXPECT to leave once I reach your place.
If you aren't ready, DON'T tell me to go to your place that early! I don't exactly feel comfortable sitting there, waiting for you get dressed, eat your lunch/breakfast/dinner, packing your bag, and having your family members staring me down trying to create a conversation.

Moreover, when I'm supposed to fetch you along to somewhere, be PREPARED when I reach your place.
I don't exactly feel very eco-friendly having the car engine pumping out CO waiting for you taking your own sweet time.
When I say 'I'll be there now', get prepared NOW.
If you can't find your keys, or couldn't make the keys to work and open the automatic gate, I understand perfectly. But if you're not ready because you haven't change...you haven't gotten your bottle....you haven't brush your teeth...you just fucking woke up....
I'm not a very patient person, well, maybe I am, that is why I'm writing it here and not spitting it to your face, but I still hope that you'd understand when I tell you to be ready, BE ready.

I guess, that's it. Already vented out my anger...

I wanted to update for quite some time now, but every time I got to this page, I have nothing to write about.
Well, I DO have something to write. But I don't think that have anything to do with any of you that's reading... hehe. It's rather personal. And although I WANT to share it, I don't think I would like it when everyone starts to reprimand me or whatever.
So, I'mma talk about...well I'm still not sure. We'll just see how this goes.

Life...has been a little weird these days.
I haven't been feeling well for a few days now.
Not quite sure how to explain my condition...but here's how it is in my words.
I've been feeling a little nauseous, no idea why.
And, I'm always feeling heated and flushed. Even though I can feel the cold on my skin and all, I still feel hot and bothered. I'm not sure what's going on...and it's making me very uncomfortable..
So, I hasn't been sleeping well these days. Probably the reason why I'm so tired and irritated in school...

And because of this flushed and heated thing, I hasn't been playing RO much...well, not as much as I used to.
I just can't really think straight. And..I think I'm boring my friends.... =/
But they logged off pretty early today, hopefully I get to talk more tomorrow.

I'm actually supposed to be preparing myself to go out with my neighbour...
She's coming any minute now. But I just want to finish writing this.

Hm. I don't know what to say now. I'm really just waiting for my friend's reply..which is taking forever ==
Ah well, I guess I'mma off this, and go...drink some water or something.

Oh right, Desmond is sick now. Fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose and all that.
Hope he feels better, though he did seem very excited in school today...
Get better. Now.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Under the encouragement of Jen Sion and all my other friends, I shall continue drawing once more :)
Truth be told, I used to love drawing, when I was really young.
But I was kind of traumatized by experience...
Therefore I stopped. And I know I'm not that great in it as well.
I mean, comparing to those I've seen...I'm an amateur.
But nonetheless! I shall be posting whatever I've drawn from now on :)
Flames are welcomed, but not too much, because this weak little heart can't take it~

This is "fat younger Tamaki" - Oz Bezarius
I know I should've drawn on better paper...at least not folded before. But it really is the only scrap paper I could find at the time. And I probably shouldn't have used lines...ah well, like I said, amateur here :)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

dreams you could never have ;).
Okay, I am bored, so I shall do this really stupid, yet sweet thing :)
I hope you guys who have blogs do this too though, and write it on my cbox, or those that doesn't have blogs could write it in wordpad/microsoft and send it to me, so I'd know more about you :)
Well, write something that you always wanted, but could never have. As in, really could never have it anymore. It could be material, dreams, fantasies, hope, anything. Describe everything :)
Likewise, I'd be doing this too. And Rayhan, I'm counting on you to spread this :P

I've always wanted a little brother.
I know what those who does have it are thinking...
"They are a menace; they never listens to me; I hate them; why would you wish for such a thing?; they are horrible little buggers." and so on.
Well, I probably could never understand how you feel, because maybe, just maybe, I'd feel that way when I do have a little brother as I was growing up.
But nonetheless, I really want a little brother :)
I don't know why, I honestly don't know.
It's always a BROTHER I want, not a sister :P
When I was in primary school, I always see friends with little siblings bring lunch for them, and I thought that was incredibly cute. How I wish I have someone to do that for me.
I have the whole ideal brother in my head (heheh)
He'd be only 2-3 years younger than me.
Any gap bigger would deteriorate our relationship...
I'd be that, loving sister (LOL), who fights and squabbles with him about the littlest things.
And also take care and look out for them in every possible way.

This probably sounds ridiculous, but yeah.
I do want a brother I can always fret and argue and get frustrated and angered and worry about.
It sounds absolutely ludicrous and crazy, but...yeah :)
It'd be nice, to protect a little brother, no matter how embarrassed he might feel if I defended him when he get bullied.
That's what a sister do...in my opinion.
And probably, I don't know, steer him into the right direction.
I would never tolerate a smoking, drugging, bullying little brother :(
It doesn't matter if his studies isn't as good, but never those stuff stated above.
And I would totally enjoy pinching his cheeks in school :D
But definitely not in front of his friends...he might feel embarrassed =/
Or if he doesn't care, then yeah, I'd do it all the time :D

So yeah, that's the dream/fantasy/hope I never had.
Never could have.
Because you know...my mom is long pass the appropriate age to have another baby.
And don't even suggest that other thing -.- because I will smack you. And foul mouthed you.
And also curse you. So don't even think.
I am...looking forward to reading your anything you could never have I guess?
If no one's interested, I wouldn't mind.
I would just lie here, in my epitomy of self-ignorance and disgrace.
:) xoxo