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JoJo Sia
Ger Ean
Jen Sion
Firdaus Zainal
Ivena HON
Xin EE (Xsaye)
Yong Le
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
January 2011
March 2011
May 2011
June 2011

Burnt Plastic
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Even if it was expected, doesn't mean it didn't hurt.
Even if it was short, doesn't mean it wasn't special.
Even if nothing happened, doesn't mean it was easier.

Before you speak, think about it first.

But oh wait...you don't have thing in your head that enables that function...
Guess I shouldn't blame you for being retarded.

Then again, I'm surrounded by them.

Woe is me.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

So it's been a long time since I posted anything.
Mostly because I don't know what to blog now...

And here I am, sitting in front of the computer, waiting for something to happen, and this random thought infiltrated my head, "hmm...I really don't like hugs..."
So I just thought, why not write about it!

Okay yeah, so enough of intro.
So...yeah I really don't like hugs.
Specifically, I don't exactly hate it... it's just really uncomfortable to hug someone.
Whether or not that person is a friend for what..10 years? Kar Yin? :D
Still kind of odd.

The idea of hugs isn't what I don't like. I mean, how could you not like hugs?
Hmm...this far in the blog post and I'd realize I have no idea how to explain myself.
I wouldn't reject a hug, but I am most certainly sure that I probably wouldn't enjoy it.

Another thing I probably doesn't like is maybe people touching me.
Yes, I know I always poke people.
I like causing people to jump.
It makes me giggle on the inside.

Poking is fine. You just, poke people.
I mean, the surface area between your finger and me, or vice versa, is very minimal.
And the time is short.
I am pretty sure no one pokes you and leave the finger there.
So poking is fine.
But there are people that are very affectionate...

This could be a very good thing, and in my case, not so good.
I really do not enjoy people laying their hand on my shoulder when they talk to me, or my knee when they're animated about something, or grab my hand and guide me as I walk.
It is...very weird.
The warm feeling of their palm against your skin, it kinda makes me shiver.
Not fun...not fun...

So yeah, this is another weird trait about me.
I do have a problem with people.
Just thought I'd share it.
Yeaaaaah.... :]

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

ilu rapture.
People never knew why I still stayed in Rapture RO.
Many has asked me to leave, to play another game,
others asked me to join different servers.
I tried, but I never stuck to it.
I love my friends, but I'm not leaving Rapture.

Well...the reason might sound stupid, but it is the reason why I still stay in Rapture, and is genuinely devastated when it's kind of..slowly dying.
I am determined to help it, even though I don't know how...
But I won't let it die.

Somehow, in some ways, Rapture saved me.
I stopped RO for so many years, and yet I came back to it again.
I don't remember how it was back then, but I was so happy to be back in RO.
I was in a moment in my life where I felt useless, and hopeless and I just don't know what I live for when I wake up every morning.
And Rapture, with their awesome community, just kind of picked me up.
I know it sounds silly! But it's just how I felt.

Which is why, when something..bad..happened, I tend to get very emotional and upset.
Like Communists Coalition, when people started leaving, I considered to just give up, and quit RO.
But I don't know why I stuck on, but I did.
And when Divinity leaves, gosh, that was,
That was the hard times.
I admit, I might have shed some tears.
But I'd still say, I am glad I have these guys.
Cause they became the reason I wake up in the morning and make it through school.

Rapture, was the best thing that happened to me.

Eddy, if you read this, I just want you to know that no matter what you think, there is always people out there that cares and that we love you :)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Are you just going to let this happen.
I don't get why you can't understand why I am so upset about this.
It's because it was all perfect.
It was just perfectly perfect before.
And you just have to ruin it.
You just crushed it.
You crushed something you made.
You, you were the one who made it crumble down.

I was only trying to help save it...

I can't believe you still can't see the fact that it'll fall apart
if you refuse to fix it.
YOU are the only one who could.
Why can't you see that?
It will just disband,
and it'll be another shame.

And I'd be homeless again.
I admit I am selfish in this.
But would you really want this to end?
Just like this?
With everyone just walking away.

This is something you made, damn it!
Take some fucking responsibility
and stop fooling around with others who aren't capable enough.
They don't need you.
WE need you.
I need you....

Don't walk away please.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

It was those days when you left my life did I realized how important you are.
I never thought I'd write this here, but I'd just like people to know how amazing of a friend you are.

You've been in my life for so long,
I can't remember the first time we met.
I don't remember how many times we've been together,
Laughing, Talking, Making total fools of ourselves.

Over the years we may have fought,
and we had different cliques we joined.
But we still held on as friends,
and nothing broke us off.

I still remember that first time I saw you cry,
to be honest, I didn't know what to do,
because you were always the toughest one among us,
but then you cried, because of us.

Then there was the time I was not being myself,
when I pissed you off so badly that you walked out of my life.
Even though I see you everyday,
but it pains me more because we were once great friends,
acting like strangers.

But we warded off that animosity,
and we talked again.
You have no idea how happy I was,
when it dawned on me that we were okay,
that we were talking again.

This time off between us, and the fact that we could break through that,
I want to believe this will last,
I want to believe that we will still be friends by the time we're in our 60's.
I want to believe so many things.
But I can't, because of all the things in my life,
I value my friendships with everyone,
but I never consider anyone as my best friend.
Because really, who needs best friend when you have 10 other amazing friends?

I know this is a cheesy post...but I'm just feeling like,
I should show my appreciation of someone I care about.
And I have never been this open with this before
(except for that uber emo post)
I just want all of you to know,
once I consider you as a friend,
I won't give you up, unless you gave me up.

So SMILE people! :)

(So chessy omg omg omg omg <3 you guys)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

It's 0157 hour when I started this blog.

It's late...and I'm tired.
I'm not that sleepy, but I'm exhausted, I can't even think straight.
But, I'm strangely giddy as well...
It's like I'm drunk, I feel reckless.
So before I type anything stupid to my friends, I'd better express it here :)

I am so impulsive right now...like there's no fear or anything in me...lol
Is that how people feel when they're drunk? Hehehe...
Currently, I'm smiling stupidly at the screen :)
So, I'm telling people here, anything outrageous you see on facebook, I'm just being "drunk" hehehehe....

Chatting with an in game friend now :)
Being totally random...and stuff hehehehe....xD
I don't know what to write, but I'm gonna continue this anyway :3

Weeeeee! hehehehehe.....
I am really, truly, very, reckless right now.
And I don't even care.
Lol, Sui Yang just liked my status on facebook about this. heh.

Lalalala.... 8)
There's this song, I really like.
I didn't at first because I didn't understand it. But it's catchy.
Like a G6 by Far East Movement.
It's nice....I like the beats... :)
I think someone introduced them to me once.....rofl.

I'm gonna crash...it's 2.07am right now.
Over and out.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

boredom lead to this!.
Hmm... I haven't posted anything in a long time... I wanted to, but apparently the things that I want to write seems a little too cheesy for someone like me to write xD

So...hmm....still thinking of something to write whilst starting this blog :P
Alright, so Imma be super random.

Someone just wrote a poem FOR me...which is a little odd...since it isn't meant to be a joke, or...well, I'm not sure what it meant, and it sure was kind of cheesy imo.

Well exams' terrible, especially History. Quite certain I'll be failing quite a number of things this term.... :l
I vow to study more next year.

lol... haven't used my skype in a looooonng time. And unfortunately the one I want to skype with doesn't have a mic, so no point in using them while we could type perfectly well.

Wow this is so pointless and I don't even know why I'm doing it but I'm doing it anyways.
The fact that I'm not studying worries me.
But not enough to make me stop writing these stuff :P

Currently listening to : You by Switchfoot
Part of lyrics :
There's always something in the way
There's always something getting through
But it's not me.
It's you.
Mood : Neutral
State : Sleepy

Peace out people.